Carebridge provides affordable, attractive and safe housing to people with disabilities, seniors, those who are economically disadvantaged, and young families starting out in our community.
We offer more than 200 housing units and provide maintenance services to three group homes in Lanark County. Maintenance, repairs, and refurbishments are a key part of our services. We want to ensure that homes are kept safe and are easily accessible to persons with disabilities.
We strive to provide affordable, attractive housing to allow tenants to live with dignity and security in a supportive environment. We are proud to be the region's largest affordable housing provider.
Apply for Social Housing
Learn more and apply for social housing in Lanark County.
Apply for Senior Housing
Do to a lengthy waitlist, we are currently not accepting applications.
Have A Question?
Property Department Carebridge Community Support 67 Industrial Drive, PO Box 610 Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 Phone: (613) 256-1031 ext. 262 Email: